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  • 确保高度的员工参与度和满意度
  • 通过培养出一支具有本地特色的员工队伍,发展多元化和包容性的企业文化
  • 通过在全球各地提供工作场所保健计划,倡导员工选择更健康的生活方式
  • 通过不断降低失事工伤率,保障工作场所的安全性,同时通过最佳实践,努力提高其他关于职业健康和安全的标准
  • 通过实行年度行为规范培训,确保员工遵守道德和法律准则。该行为规范具体阐述了fun88登录始终坚持的“以人为本”的政策,要求尊重每一名员工
PepsiCo is ranked as one of the top companies committed to diversity and inclusion by many respected organizations. Learn more
PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package that is designed to address your health care and financial needs. Learn more
We provide our associates with opportunities to strengthen their capabilities. Continued development is our goal. Learn more
PVideo of Ronald Connor, Unit Sales Manager, Pepsi
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