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Busca PepsiCo

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The safety of our products is PepsiCo’s top priority and we abide by the regulatory guidelines everywhere we do business. The FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world, including the European Food Safety Authority and Health Canada, consider our caramel coloring safe for use in foods and beverages.

PepsiCo committed to this modification and we have moved aggressively to meet this commitment. Our caramel coloring suppliers are modifying their manufacturing process to reduce the amount of 4-MEI in the caramel. PepsiCo suppliers are also undertaking this effort globally. There will be no change to our product formula or to the great Pepsi taste consumers know and love.

The caramel colors that PepsiCo uses in its beverages here in China meet all local regulatory requirements. PepsiCo products, as always are safe to enjoy.




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